There’s tollerance, and then there’s stupidity.

There’s tollerance, and then there’s stupidity. Generally, I believe people have a right to practice their own religions in their own way. As an atheist, I don’t believe in any god, God, or gods. But my sister is a priest, and I love and respect her wishes. 🙂  But when intolerance is wrapped up as…
comedycentral: Click here for more of Jon Stewart’s coverage of the recent House Committee on Science, Space and Technology hearing. Sometimes, Americans are really smart. But the people they put in charge of them can be really stupid. Kinda like the UK.  comedycentral: Click here for more of Jon Stewart’s coverage of the recent House…


So, after too many damned days in hospital, I’ve been given the official go-ahead to get out of dodge.  The whole thing is wonderful. They’ve taken the tracker off — analytics of which will follow shortly — and like me, suspect stress.  Luckily, there’s a similar treatment for stress as LQTS, which is mild beta…

So, does anyone want a very expensive, presumably experimental electric truck?

So, does anyone want a very expensive, presumably experimental electric truck? What would you do with $65,000? Anyone?  That kind of money won’t quite get you a Tesla Model S new from Fremont, but it will buy you two Nissan LEAFs and perhaps an electric motorcycle too.  Or you can buy a prototype F-150 electric…

iOS 8.0.1 kill the Touch ID and cell service on your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus? Here’s how to fix it!

iOS 8.0.1 kill the Touch ID and cell service on your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 plus? Here’s how to fix it! OK, so I know I’m a little bit of a fan girl, and yes, I’ve been using apple products since about 1994, when I fist discovered them in the music department of my…

On being a pain in the butt.

Day three in the big house. Not that big house, obviously, but when trying to make time in a cardiac ward sound more interesting, embellishment is key. I mean, there are people in here who can’t move. People who nearly died. People who are really freaking sick.  And then there’s me: sitting in my side room with…

reminder for bisexuals

lyricalred: today is bi visibility day. as such, bisexual people will be completely visible for the next 24 hours. this is a bad day to engage in bank heists, ghost impersonations, covert operations for vague yet menacing government agencies, and other common bisexual hobbies that rely upon our powers of invisibility.  reblog to save a life.Â