
So, after too many damned days in hospital, I’ve been given the official go-ahead to get out of dodge. 

The whole thing is wonderful. They’ve taken the tracker off — analytics of which will follow shortly — and like me, suspect stress. 

Luckily, there’s a similar treatment for stress as LQTS, which is mild beta blockers for a while, and perhaps a little more stress management. 

This means I’m going to be spending a little more time doing non EV stuff, and not working 24/7. 

The tape analysis should — we hope — show nothing. If it shows something concerning, they’ll have me back as an in-patient. If it shows nothing, they’ll have me in for an implantable recorder, and make me use that for three months to track stress/fainting. If I faint during that time, they’ll haul the unit out and check once and for all what’s going on. 

There’s also the genetic testing. My QT is borderline. Nothing bad, nothing good. Essentially, it’s not bad enough to warrant a device be fitted, but genetic testing is something they still want me to have to check out to see if I do have an inherited form. I may do, I may not. 

So, return to normal is expected in the next few days, although it won’t be the same normal you’ve had thus far. It will be a far lighter normal. 

Thanks to everyone who has been awesome and supported me. 🙂