Suggest a car to review!

Those who regularly follow will know that I’m working on a new series, to be launched this summer. It will involve lots of cars and lots of reviews.

Currently, we’ve got test-drives lined up with (amongst others)


  • The new 2010 Prius
  • The Smart ED
  • The Smart MHD
  • The 2010 Honda Insight
  • The iMiev
  • The Zero S
  • The Zero X
  • plus many historical EVs, Fuel efficient cars and fun project vehicles.


NikkiDrives will concentrate on (mainly) fuel efficient cars and give practical tests. If you have suggestions as to cars you’d like me to review as well as any tests you’d like to see me include in the reviews please do drop me a line or make a comment below.

And all EV companies, DIY converters or those who have a fun and funky vehicle: Let me drive your cars! Tell me why I should cover your vehicle for one of my weekly shows and I’ll come and film it!
