According to The Register, the Mitsubishi iMiev will be available in the UK from November. Perfect timing then for those EV enthusiasts with £20,000 to burn and a space on their Christmas list.

Sadly, only fifty of the cars will be available at the end of the year. I suspect this will mean that they will have a waiting list longer than those fifty cars, placed end-to-end. But Mitsubishi are promising another 150 next year.
Depending on features, the iMiev will retail for between £20,000 and £25,000. That puts it squarely in the same price bracket as a high end Toyota Prius, and a good £5-10,000 more expensive than the GWiz Lithium Ion and the new Ev’ie.
However, I’m still excited. The original i, which has now sold out of all the UK stocks (and Mitsubishi has no plans to import any more of the non electric i) was a really nice drive and I’m hoping the iMiev is even better than the petrol version.
Of course, only time will tell. However, I was at the local Mitsubishi dealership on Wednesday and bumped into two of Mitsubishi’s head office team. Hopefully, they’re arranging a sneak test-drive before the car goes public in the UK. Watch this space.