Mitsubishi iMiev EVcast

Yesterday I was one of the lucky folks to be at the Mitsubishi iMiev launch, covering the event for the EVcast.
I was joined by Robert Llewellyn, Mike Boxwell, Lance Bradley (MD of Mitsubishi Motors UK) and Neil Butcher, Associate at the Arup Vehicle Design Group.
Below is the video from the EVcast, which was live from the event.

25-iMievs now at large in the UK public hands.

This post could be about the driving experience of the iMiev, or the fact that the iMiev launch today is the first mainstream production electric car to be released ever in the UK. (Okay, so back in the late 1990s we had the PSA electric vans and cars, but even they weren’t for public use…

EVcast 289

Thanks to Robert Llewellyn and Marc Geller for taking part in today’s show! Don’t forget to give the EVcast team feedback by emailing us at podcast at I’m keen to think what you all think of the opening sequence! I’ve been working hard to get the new show style up and running today. Sadly,… on PositiveTV!

About eight weeks ago now I was interviewed by the lovely Rosco from PositiveTV about Tigger, my Electric VW Golf CityStromer.

It was a beautiful day and we had a great time filiming the little short film about, NikkiDrives, and Tigger the EV!

Head over to PositiveTv to see the show, or watch it below. (We’re the second half!)

Who killed the Chrysler EV?

Let’s be honest. The last few years haven’t been good for the auto industry. What with the economic crash and the impending environmental doom caused by years of glutenous use of our natural resources, buying a fast, super-sleek sports-car hasn’t been at the top of most folk’s lists.  Heck, even buying a car of late…