Mitsubishi iMiev EVcast

Yesterday I was one of the lucky folks to be at the Mitsubishi iMiev launch, covering the event for the EVcast

I was joined by Robert Llewellyn, Mike BoxwellLance Bradley (MD of Mitsubishi Motors UK) and Neil Butcher, Associate at the Arup Vehicle Design Group.

At my flickr page you’ll find some photos of the event, and below is the video from the EVcast, which was live from the event. 





I was also lucky enough to get a ride from Mike in his new iMiev…





Thanks to Mike for that! It was great fun. I’ve driven an iMiev before, but never been a passenger. I just wish I’d have been given one. (Much sadness!)

I also managed to get a (very shaky) video from the launch speeches. 




Don’t forget that the EVcast is live three times a week. I host the Saturday show. You can subscribe to the shows on iTunes!