Blogging? Yeah…But Now With HOPE

It’s been a while, hasn’t it? And it’s not because I’ve ignored this site, or not wanted to do any updates. It’s because I’ve been so gosh-darned busy.

I’ve got a draft that was half-finished before President Biden stepped down from his re-election bid. In fact, I started that draft when I was listening to the verdict handed down on Donald Trump’s criminal case in the Hush Money trail.

Queenie at Canterbury Faire 2024

Since then? A lot has happened. We’ve had a full summer of gardening, plenty of trips. I’ve been a giant fluffy animal at a Renn Faire. I’ve had my 40-year old record player fixed. I’ve been to Canada.

And now? Now I have NOT Covid. I don’t know what it is, but it’s not Covid. I’ve taken five tests, and it’s not the Flu. It’s not RSV, either. I think it’s just a common cold. And that sucks, but at least It’s just something I need to muscle through on the couch. Maybe with some help from Baulder’s Gate 3.

Everything Electric in Canada was amazing. The Air BnB was anything but –


Lights were broken or not working. Two rooms had no power. One bathroom had no running water, and two others were so full of mold that they were unsanitary to use. There was trash. The walls were in questionable state, and the whole experience was horrible. We’d arrived late in the evening so tried to make the best of it by staying overnight on Thursday – and now Air BnB is arguing we shouldn’t get a full refund. It’s a nightmare.

But the event itself? After we booked a new hotel, our experience was markedly better.

The Entire TE Team at Everything Electric 2024!
I am SO proud of the team. Like. You can’t even put it into words.

Our set this year was incredible. We had custom-build walls printed by a fan of the channel. We had meticulously planned the set ahead of departure, and ‘MeriKate did some wonderful custom woodworking to make a massive wooden box for our massive 65-inch display TV. It was epic.

The custom wooden box for our massive TV.

We had three Blackmagic cameras on set. We had a TV displaying our wares. We had an audio recording space, and we had GREAT lightning. It was awesome. You can see some of our stuff already here:

If you’re not subscribed, feel free to subscribe – we’re going to be pushing more content in the coming days, including an electric freaking airplane!

I came back from Canada tired but fulfilled, and invigorated for the future… at least, until the cold started to make itself known. Now I’m just trying to breathe and get better.

As to the HOPE in the title? I think that’s pretty clear. Harris Walz 2024, baby!

So… if you’ll forgive me, I have an appointment with a couch and lots of fluids. x