I am not one to moan. At least, I try really, really hard not to moan.
But this week, in no particular order:
I’ve had to make two separate hospital appointments with a stroppy teenager.
I’ve had to content with more massive hospital bills (despite having good health insurance).
Our RAV4 EV has finally given up the ghost and requires a new battery module (leaving us just the LEAF).
And I have a convention in 14 days that I haven’t finished getting my costume ready for yet.
I got hate mail calling me out for being both an electric car driver AND a transwoman.
Everything else has meant that my work productivity has been an all time low.
Oh, and something super tough has been going on at work which if I’m not lucky will really screw things up. So yay. A great week all round.
Still, it could be worse. There are always people worse off than me. And not everyone gets to see amazing sights like this first thing in the morning…

Yeah. Maybe things will be okay after all.