I’m Nikki. I started life as a professional oboist and music teacher. But these days I cover the world of cleaner, greener, safer and smarter vehicles over at Transport Evolved

I grew up on dairy farms and thanks to my parents, I’ve learned that nothing is impossible. I also developed a love for the natural world and fixing things. Ever since I’ve been a tinkerer.

These days, I live near Portland, Oregon with my wife, our two dogs, chickens and whatever else happens to wonder our way. When I started this blog I was 24. Now I’m 43.

I’ve got an eclectic taste in hobbies. I love making things. I love gardening and raising animals. I’m a proud mascot performer (fursuiter), and regularly dress up as a giant dog for charity events. I love good coffee, good home-made food, and I think the slow things in life are worth waiting for. I like classic Macs, computer tinkering, and making home automation projects last forever.

I’m an adrenaline junkie, having rediscovered my love of cycling from my twenties. I’m a fan of good music and even better stories. But I’m also an introverted sod who is very socially awkward.

I’d like to say 20 years of being a parent and being a grown up has changed me for the better… but I’m not sure it has. This site is about me rediscovering who I was – and helping me become a better person into my old age.

Strap in. It’ll be fun.